Thursday, July 5, 2012

Independence Day Cupcake Entries - Let the Voting Begin

The theme this month? Independence Day.  Please take a moment and look through the amazing patriotic entries below and vote for your favorite. We are using a new polling system that only requires you to click on a radio button found after all the entries. No need to be a Follower or send an email just click a button. It couldn't be simpler. Thank you to all of the participants who took time out of there busy schedules to submit these wonderful creations.  Good luck to each of you.

Entry 1:

Flag & Fireworks
A flag and fireworks for your mouth.  That's right - Red and white multi-layered cupcake frosted in many blue stars with edible white candy stars, representing that grand old flag. And for the grand finale, this cupcake is sprinkled with red poprocks for a firework-like explosion in your mouth in every bite... POP! POP! POP!

Cupcake Contents:
Stars - mystery flavored Airhead candy
Red sprinkles - strawberry Poprocks

Entry 2:

Constitution of the United States of America
Happy Birthday America! Now more than ever we need to remember our nation's history and how our country has come to be. With all the political governing conflicts, the deficit, the "changes", recalls, bills being passed, we put that all aside for this important day and remember that we are still a free country and so many brave individuals have fought for so hard and long to keep it that way. 

Cupcake Contents:
Constitution is a cut to size sugar sheet
Red, White and Blue Frosting for the flag

Entry 3:

Ice Cream Cone
Beat the heat with a cool treat...OK maybe it won't cool you down, but it sure looks cool. :) The cupcake is cooked in an unconventional ice cream cone and frosted with tie-dyed frosting to look like a swirl ice cream cone. 

Cupcake Contents:
Frosting tie-dyed red, white and blue
Ice cream cone base

Entry 4:

Rainbow Fireworks
Rainbow candy strips galore make this cupcake a true representation of a July 4th celebration filled with colorful fireworks.  The red, yellow, blue and green sugar candy strips burst out of this red velvet flavored cupcake.  Providing you with a sugary sweet treat on this Independence Day.

Cupcake Contents:
Red Velvet Cupcake
Rainbow Sugar Candy Strips

Entry 5:

Uncle Sam's Hat
Fourth of July is a day we celebrate our independence.  A day we celebrate the United States of America.  What image says the United States best other than Uncle Sam of course!  Uncle Sam's image first appeared back in 1812.  Uncle Sam's hat was created by using a mold and filling it with creamy white chocolate.  Then placed a top a yummy blueberry cupcake iced with white frosting and then decorated with red, white and blue gel icing.

Cupcake Contents:
Blueberry flavored cupcake
White Chocolate hat with red, white and blue gel icing

Entry 6:

Coconut Fireworks
Red and blue confetti fireworks make up this July Fourth Cupcake.  A celebration of America's Birthday isn't complete without a night filled with fireworks, streamers and sparklers.

Cupcake Contents:
White icing with red and blue dyed coconut.
Entry 7:

Love for the USA
This cupcake is nothin' but love for the USA. The batter was tie-dyed red, white and blue, frosted with a pure white frosting and then adorned with 3 hearts cut from sugar sheets and frosted with red, white and blue glittered frosting. 

Cupcake Contents: 
Red, White and Blue Batter
Vanilla Frosting
3 frosted sugar sheet hearts


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